The management plans for the conservation the sharks of the genus ‘Sphyrna’ and their habitats are mainly based on the approach of guides that allow linking and promoting adequate management for their preservation. The applicability and success of such management depend mainly on the implementation of action plans with different lines by environmental authorities such as CAR and Arahuac indigenous community, research institutes, private and public universities, governmental and non-governmental organizations, and other actors involved in the country.
For this reason, an articulation of actors is necessary as a strategic alliance for the conservation and protection of of the sharks of the genus ‘Sphyrna’, whose habitat is the Caribbean Sea; mainly Great Hammerhead (Sphyrna mokarran), listed as critically endangered CR by IUCN using five lines of action associated with the National Conservation Program of this endemic species of Colombia, that allow the use and guarantee of tactics to strengthen the environmental management plan, unifying efforts at the regional and national levels.
The lines of action of this Management and Conservation Plan are organized as follows:
1 Inventory and knowledge of the species.
2. Sustainable management and use.
3. Education and community participation.
4. Information and disclosure.
5. Institutional strategic alliances for the conservation
Each line of action includes objectives, goals, actions, indicators, responsible parties involved and deadlines; focused on the conservation and protection of the species in an effective and sustainable way, promoting education and awareness about its cultural, historical and biological importance within and outside the ecosystem of the jurisdiction of the Regional Autonomous Corporation – CARSUCRE, implementing awareness-raising mechanisms and community participation, likewise, are aimed at the development of legal tools that guarantee the conservation of the Great Hammerhead (Sphyrna mokarran) in its natural habitat according to the social, economic and cultural panorama of the nation.

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