VALUES of the Sustainable Tourism Action PLAN in Kamsá Indigenous Territory

The values that underpin this plan are the following:
• CONSERVATION: This action plan has as a priority the conservation of biodiversity and its associated cultural values, in order to regulate its protection and the sustainable use of natural resources.
• SUSTAINABILITY: It is the action of ensuring that the heritage values contained in the Kamsá indigenous territory are preserved over time, and at the same time, generate social, economic and environmental benefits that can be used by current and future generations.
• RESPONSIBILITY: It is the special care with the protection of the natural, social and cultural values of the Kamsá indigenous territory, in order to maintain the attributes and constitutive natural processes from the same. Ecotourism must act in units that have management capacities to ensure the maintenance of its attributes and the objects of creation or conservation.
• ACCESSIBILITY: It allows to guarantee public access to the Kamsá indigenous territory so that all segments of the population can visit them, without discrimination of sex, age, physical condition or abilities, minimizing physical, economic or other barriers that could limit access to certain groups.
• PARTICIPATION: It is the set of actions or initiatives to promote the adhesion of the actors involved in the tourist development of the Kamsá indigenous territory. The installation of transparences for the identification of the concerns, needs and values of the different actors that are part of the initiative for decision making.

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