EXECUTIVE SUMMARYClimate change, aggravated by patterns of prolonged droughts and floods, has increased the exposure of vulnerable communities to waters contaminated with pathogens and toxic agents. In the Colombian Amazon basin, a Biosphere Reserve recognized by UNESCO, 300 families from the Ticuna indigenous community face this risk, with their health compromised and their ancestral conservation…

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Sustainable Tourism Action Plan in the Arahuac Indigenous Territory

Resumen: The Arahuac indigenous territory is the space of representation of the diversity of ecosystems, species, landscapes and cultures. The natural and cultural heritage that these areas protect represents a commitment to the conservation of biodiversity and history, and in turn, contributes to the development of spaces where national and foreign visitors can increasingly discover,…

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Programa Todos Somos Venezuela

Programa TODOS SOMOS VENEZUELA, financiado con recursos de nuestra organización, y liderado por el Especialista en gerencia de proyectos Fabio David Cuello Mercado, en calidad de socio ejecutor para la región de la sabana (Sucre y Montería),  tiene como objetivo la recolección de alimentos y elementos de primera necesidad a través de solicitudes de donaciones a…

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Programa Economías para la hermandad Venezolana

En el presente proyecto, nuestra fundación adelanta capacitaciones y solicitud de fondos para la creación de micro-empresas. Las capacitaciones adelantadas son en temas de Emprendimiento, contabilidad y costos, Gestión empresarial y Gestión de financiamiento que permita a las mujeres venezolanas adquirir los conocimientos para realizar emprendimiento o ser empleadas, en suelo colombiano y de esta manera mejorar enormemente…

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Sustainable Tourism Action Plan in the Kamsá Indigenous Territory

VALUES of the Sustainable Tourism Action PLAN in Kamsá Indigenous Territory The values that underpin this plan are the following:• CONSERVATION: This action plan has as a priority the conservation of biodiversity and its associated cultural values, in order to regulate its protection and the sustainable use of natural resources.• SUSTAINABILITY: It is the action…

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