Resumen: This plan aims to conserve 3 endemic frogs in Colombia: The frogs ‘Atelopus laetissimus’, ‘Atelopus carrikeri’ and ‘Atelopus nahumae’ are endemic species of Colombia, and can only be found in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, home to the indigenous Arahuac community. These amphibians are exposed to strong anthropic pressures due to the vulnerability of ecosystem conditions: destruction of habitats (deforestation for illegal mining and agricultural activities), climate change and invasive species (Chytrid fungus). This plan, our organization Colombian Páramos Corporation, analyzes each of the occurrences of the threats described and proposes multidisciplinary strategies to avoid the mass extinction of amphibians in Colombian ecosystems. In conjunction with the Arahuac, Corpomagdalena and WWF indigenous communities, we will execute actions based on the IUCN SGC conservation guidelines.

This Action Plan has taken as a reference the National Plan for the Conservation of Amphibians of Colombia (Coloma 2020). We believe that in this way the planning process can be streamlined in a smaller, local environment, allowing the general lines of the national plan to be operationalized, which will also allow evaluating its applicability, and correcting or improving the proposed actions if required.

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