Resumen: During 2021, the COLOMBIA WILD CORPORATION positioned itself as a leader in conservation processes in Colombian indigenous territories, through the implementation of 5 conservation projects, financed by international cooperation. Below, we show details and results of these projects, which were successfully implemented. Illegal trade is the biggest threat to the different species of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta and is taking them to the brink of extinction.
Animal skin is one of the most coveted products in the global black market where its price exceeds even that of gold. The false belief in Asia about its supposed properties to cure cancer has triggered the massacre of the last rhinos. Many populations of endemic animals are on the verge of extinction, as is the case of the titi monkey, of which only two hundred mature specimens remain
From the COLOMBIA WILD CORPORATION we fight tirelessly against the trafficking of species, supporting the Arahuac indigenous guards who face melee to the poachers, working with the governments to harden the persecution of this crime and promoting the prohibition of consumption in the markets of destination, mainly in Latin America.

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