RESUMEN: Through a cooperation agreement between COLOMBIA WILD CORPORATION, World Wildlife Fund-WWF and the Emberá indigenous community, we draw up conservation strategies for the sustainable and community protection of duroecoelia (Aotus lemurinus), in the Colombian Andes Mountain range. To do this, we review the main threats, habitats, ecological corridors and ecological variables of this species, classified as Vulnerable A2c+3c+4c by the IUCN because it is seriously threatened with extinction due to the anthropic action of 3 threats: illegal trafficking (poaching), habitat loss and climate change.
We propose conservation strategies (creation of a 45Km2 natural protected area in priority habitats); educational strategies (training of 500 young Emberá indigenous people in primate conservation); sustainability strategies (creation of an indigenous environmental office whose corporate purpose is the conservation of the target primate) and communication strategies (informing 15,000 people about program activities and results).
This Conservation and Management Plan also has the purpose of informing the general public of the management and monitoring measures for populations and habitats that guarantee the conservation of the species. It is important to point out that the Conservation Plans propose general measures that must be considered from an adaptive scheme, or progressive adjustment, which in the measure of the results obtained, the knowledge about the species and its habitat, and the improvement in the techniques and methods applied in management, must be updated.

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